Activate your flame of purpose within

Conduit of consciousness

Amarlea Marhi

Certified Course Pellowah 1 & 2

The name Pellowah was given to an energy healing technique first channelled in 2003 by Australian Spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an. The purpose of Pellowah is awakening and enlightenment. To increase your capacity for positive change by creating a “Shift in Consciousness”, enabling you to reach your highest purpose and potential. Directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions

Pellowah is an angelic word meaning “Radical Shift in Consciousness” – its primary reason for being channelled at this time is for awakening the consciousness of humanity. It is pure source energy, a direct transmission of the Light.

A practitioner receives the attunements that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy flow, hold the healing space for the person receiving.  Pellowah energy works with the higher consciousness of the recipient to bring about the “shift” required and that specific time.

Pellowah is simple, yet powerful and effective

Pellowah Level 1 and Level 2 are conducted over a 2 day Workshop by a fully trained and registered Pellowah Teacher. All teachers are registered with Kachina and receive a teacher number. Level lll or Teacher Training Attunements are facilitated by Kachina Ma’an.

Pellowah calls to you at the time that is right for you! Whether as an individual at a crossroads, a client requiring a session, or a Practitioner expanding your skills and abilities. What is Pellowah? It is a call for you to open deeper to who you are through spiritual growth and conscious expansion!

Pellowah is here for your awakening and personal growth

Book your 2 days amazing experience and become certified healer with Amarlea Marhi 0434736701

QHHT Hypnosis

Dolores Cannon’s QHHT may be the most profound and transformational experience of your life. QHHT® is a journey in consciousness, a pathway to finding that all answers and healing lie within.

Experience profound transformation and unlock your true potential through QHHT Quantum Hypnosis.

Session must be face to face and generally takes 4-6 hours. 

To enquire or book your session with Level 2 QHHT qualified hypnotist , please call or text 0434736701.

Discount Code for QHHT Level 1 course (Official website)

Step 1: click the 10% off link as follow

step 2: using the coupon code SPREADLOVE.

Sound Healing

Sound healing is a powerful therapy that combines different healing instruments to improve our multi-dimensional well-being by creating experience where all layers of body, mind, spirit are awakened gently and cleansed.

Crystal bowls, tuning forks, crystal pyramids and other varieties of healing instruments will be use. Both 1:1 session and group sessions are offered.

Energy Healing (Reiki and Pellowah)

In the life force energy of Reiki, the healer is connected to the source of all universal energy. Reiki energy heals the whole person, not only physical level, but also emotional, mental and soul level.

The Reiki healing will clear the energy block which may or may not cause some physical symptoms, once it's cleared you will process the feeling in relation to the block.

Pellowah is a system for channeling healing energy and expanding consciousness.

A high-vibrational alternative to Reiki healing and the like, it helps to connect all 12 DNA strands, thus enabling students to tap into more of their true being.

Akashic Record

Akashic Records is an archive of our Souls’ past, present, and future possibilities. It is a vibrational record that existed throughout all dimensions of consciousness.

Accessing the record can offer you insights into past lives, patterns and karmic influences. this deep understanding can help you identify and heal the unresolved issues, limitations, leading to personal growth and transformation.

Serene Joyful Light Circle is established by Sarah, Lavender and myself based in Melbourne, Australia. We host events with sound/ reiki/art healing, and new moon, full moon rituals in varies locations. Please join our facebook group and wechat groups for upcoming events.

Sound/Reiki/art Healing /yoga and sound Events

I AM Podcast Show

Serene Joyful Light Circle is established by Sarah, Lavender and myself based in Melbourne, Australia. We host events with sound/ reiki/art healing, and new moon, full moon rituals in Collingwood. Please join our facebook group and wechat groups for upcoming events.

Spiritual Drawings

Drawing of your spiritual guide or animal.

both hardcopy or digital copy available.

drawing service including a channelled message for you.

About Me

I'm Pellowah certified teacher, registered QHHT Level 2 Hypnosis Practitioner, located in Melbourne, Australia. I'm also certified Reiki healer , sound healer and Akashic Recording reading practitioner.

Sessions can be done in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.


Contact Me